Sunday, January 1, 2023

Bulletin 405 - Colombia 2022 #2 - Sparrows and Manakins

 I was planning to go to Peru in 2022 but there were riots and road closures in the areas we were planning to go. So at the last minute I went back to Colombia and saw some other places. 

Unfortunately, there was a lot of overlap, so I did not get a lot of new birds on the trip. However, many areas now have set up feeding stations and several were built for photography. I used the same guide Pablo Florez and I had my daughter with me on the trip this year.

However on the bright side, the setups for photography and the number of places that had feeders allowed me to get many improved photos of birds I had not so good photos before.

Most of the sparrows in Latin America are the brightly colored birds called brushfinches. The 7" Moustached Brushfinch (Altapetes albofrenatus) is a yellowish bird with a black face and white cheek stripe.

Moustached Brushfinch

The 7" Dusky-headed Brushfinch (Altapetes fuscoolivaceus) is olive above, yellow below and a charcoal hood. He is a Colombia endemic.

Dusky-headed Brushfinch

The 7" Choco Brushfinch (Altapetes crassus) is gray above with a yellow breast and orange and white crown stripe. This is a split from the Tricolored Brushfinch that occurs in Peru.

Choco Brushfinch

The 7" Black-headed Brushfinch (Arremon atricapillus)is olive above and white below with a black head and nape.

 Black-headed Brushfinch

The 7" Grey-browed Brushfinch (Arremon assimilis) is similar but he has a grey stripe over the eye and grey flanks.

Grey-browed Brushfinch

The 7" Chestnut-capped Brushfinch (Arremon brunneinucha) is a distinctive olive bird with a white throat, black face and orange crown. 

Chestnut-capped Brushfinch

Manakins are a small family of tiny neotropical songbirds. The males perform elaborate dances to attract the females. Males are often black and the females are nondescript olive.

The 3.5" male Velvety Manakin (Lepidithrix coronata) is all black with a blue crown. It is a split from Blue-crowned Manakin.

Velvety Manakin - male

The next was a lifer for me. The 4.5" male Golden-winged Manakin (Masius chrysopterus) is a black bird, with yellow wing patch and a peculiar yellow forward crest over his bill.

Golden-winged Manakin

I put the different bird/mammal families in single folders for easy viewing

I have photos of 74 of the 137 species of New World Sparrows

I have photos of 13 of the 52 species of Manakins

Happy birding and photography,

David McDonald

photos copyright 2006 - 2022 David McDonald

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